Monday, March 23, 2015

Reconditioning Terrain - Supplemental

Having just done a bunch of hills, I applied the same techniques to one of the older terrain boards I have.  This board is 2'x4', and was made a few years ago for me as a gift by my brother.  As cool as it is, it has taken a bit of a beating due to two moves and various forms of storage.  Thus, I figured I'd give it a makeover, and make it a bit more durable at the same time.

Here you can see the board, which is fully grassed and has a nice hill feature built in to the corner.  The grass was just glued down to the painted surface of the board.  This looks good, but the board has a few chips and dings, as well as it's lost a fair bit of the grass.

Next up is to give it the sand and glue treatment.  A big difference here is that the static grass acted like a sponge, soaking up the glue as soon as I put it on.  I had to cut the glue with significantly more water than normal in order to get it to cover.

In fact, because of the extra water it took two days to fully cure.

But it eventually did.  I found a fan was helpful to move the air over the board and constantly provide fresh air to it.  Now it was time for the black paint.

Once a nice coat was on, it was time for the brown.  In this case, since the Folk Art brand had discontinued my previous colour, I took a colour swatch to Rona and got a quart of matte finish latex.

Two highlights later, and the dirt is done.

Now we'll add the static grass.  To keep the original character, I went with three colours, as well as the leftover mid-green from the last boards, and concentrated the colours in various areas for some gradation, to keep it visually interesting.

Allow that to dry overnight and then shake the excess off.

And voila.  For less than an hour a day, some setup and some drying time, half a Warmachine/Hordes game board.  I'll add photos the next time I have them set up for a game.

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