Monday, August 05, 2024

A host of things done

 Lots of things getting done.  Working steadily on getting the information in for my professional license.  A bunch of small things done around the house, and finally, my painting table has been somewhat lit the past week, and I don't just mean the lights.

Got at least three models fully done, and a few more underway or progressed.

You can see the three finished ones with their bases fully painted.  Then a bunch waiting in the wings.  I'll put up some more photos later, but one thing I can say, the Reaper colour triads are amazing!  The red hair and flesh tone ones are fantastic.  

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Cleanup and new progress

 Finally cleaned up my painting table, which was long overdue.  Put some of the WIP back into cabinets to clear some space.  Now just the model I'm working on and the next group are there.  Always good to have the next model on hand to work on while waiting for washes to dry, however it was getting so I had no elbow room.

I also finally started the process of professional licensure in BC.  Long overdue, but just wasn't necessary for my career to date so got continually pushed to the back burner.  One step at a time, though I suspect it may be a challenge to get some of the old (over twenty years!) information verified.  Regardless, definitely something to get seen to.

Now that that's done, I have some time to paint a bit.  

Just a short update for now, but I'm going to call it "Ironclad Approved!"

Tuesday, May 07, 2024


 Actually got some words downrange.  Since yesterday was all about chores, and Sunday was a shooting match (more on that later), today the coast was clear, so sat down and got myself back into the story of Queen's Legacy.  

Honestly, felt good putting some story down.  Wasn't as efficient as I might have been, having to review some scenes and backtrack to figure out some minor characters, but progress was made.

Sounds like a small thing, but made my night to actually get some writing done.  More to come...

Monday, April 29, 2024

Monday, April 10, 2023

'Anthology' weekend

 So a few friends in our gaming group have decided to have a weekend of 'other' games.  In lieu of our regular Pathfinder or Starfinder games, we have figured on having an 'anthology' weekend, where we each get to preview a new RPG that the group hasn't played.

So far, the others are bringing Delta Green, Cyberpunk, and Call of Cthulhu.  Each should be pretty interesting, and I've never played any of those games of any previous version.  

For me, I'm bringing Torg: Eternity.  The revised edition of the old West End Games multi-reality RPG.  This new one maintains the basic rules of the orignal, while amping the action to eleventy and giving a lot more depth and awesomeness to each Cosm.  

For those who may not know, Torg was designed by the original Star Wars RPG company, West End Games, back in the early 1990s.  The idea was that other realities have invaded our 'Core Earth' to steal our possibility energy, as ours is the richest the Reality Raiders have ever found.  To do this, the invading Cosms overlay their reality onto ours.  So, in parts of North America, the Living Land has overlaid our reality with a primitive one, where technology doesn't work.  The characters take the role of Storm Knights, those fighting the invading High Lords to beat them back from our reality.  

I'm looking forward to running the game.  Back in the 90s, it was one of our go-to games, and it suits a cinematic, action-movie style that is a lot of fun.

Hopefully we'll have some new campaign ideas by the time we're done.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Tyr's Last Ride

 Today we took Tyr for his final ride.

His ashes are now mixed with Star in the urn for both of them.

It was a rough day, though necessary.

We had a chance to send him off, and this time there was no way I wasn't staying with him.

Fly free, my man.  See you in time.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Slammed by work and life

 What a week (or two!).

Tried to get some writing done, and maybe a bit of painting but was just slammed with work stuff, life stuff, and a whole bunch of conflicting schedules.

I did manage to get out to see John Wick 4 with my eldest, and we both loved it.  Phenomenal soundtrack too.  Will have to have another watch of that one, and maybe give it a review soon.

Only two weekends left for skiing, which is sad, but then we transition into the camping season.  Time to get the new trailer out and in the field.

Until then, keep your guns at hand, your dice warmed up, and your miniatures looking good.