Monday, October 14, 2019

Slinging Paint

A few quick hits as I sling some paint on the last day of the Thanksgiving weekend.  Working on a bunch of things, though I realized if we're planning to play Pathfinder next Saturday, and I'm away at sea the whole working week, then I had best paint up the miniatures I plan to use.  Sorta makes sense...

The lighting isn't great, but there's a bunch going on here.  From L to R, there's a dragon's wings, some Daemonettes of Slaanesh for my Hedonites army, a succubus figure (with detached wing) and two mummies for our next Mummy's Mask adventure path session.  Somewhere back there are the two pilots for my Space Marine Land Speeder for my Blackbirds Chapter of Space Marines (also Warhammer 40000).

Some detail on the mummies and succubus.  And a well used paint palette.  I need the mummies for next week's game, and the succubus is there to work on while I wait for ink washes to dry and such.  Seldom do I only have one model (or group of models on the go) at one time.  Usually there's a few things so I'm always filling the time while other stuff is drying.

Over to the 'working desk' I've got the aforementioned Land Speeder, then a sphinx model I'll need for a future instalment of Mummy's Mask.  Then the green dragon (Reaper's Everblight) who is the owner of the wings above, the Fane of Slaanesh (a terrain piece for Warhammer Age of Sigmar) and a unit of Seekers of Slaanesh, the next part of my Hedonites army.

That's the state of the desk right now.  Going to sea for a week I hope to get back to some writing but we're preparing for a big deployment next year, and as a HOD (head of department) that means lots and lots of prep work.  [sigh]  And it will be bouncy this week (4-5m seas)!

See y'all in a few days...

Thursday, September 05, 2019

Off to the Con...

Off to RustyCon this weekend!  Should be fun, and meet some writerly types.  More when I'm back.

Friday, January 04, 2019

Happy 2019!

I hope you all had a good holiday, having much food, merriment and gaming.

I, for one, had an excellent holiday, filled with gaming, skiing and relaxing.  Fortunately, I was able to take three full weeks off during the holidays.  In fact, I don't go back to work until Monday.  Eat your heart out...

Despite a few issues, such as having to get our hot water heater looked at for a low flow problem, the holidays were super smooth.  We eschewed any major parties or events, aside from a short ski trip to Mt. Washington over New Year's Eve.  It was good.  Relaxing by the fire, good food, good wine and other libations.  Makes for a relaxing holiday.

As always, my ambitious to do list suffered.  Always figuring I have more time/energy than actual, but at least I managed to pick away at a few things.  Sadly, very little painting got done, but the new year shall bring more opportunities.

This year will be more models, more gaming, even some more writing, as well as some more philosophy as I feel like writing it.

May the coming year bring us more free markets, smaller government, less taxes and more prosperity!